Saturday, July 26, 2008

Watch Los Hombres De Paco

tonight are very thoughtful.
Will the fatigue that this year is being felt more than usual, which Fabio will I miss a lot, which will be a period of ups and downs, sometimes very positive, sometimes negative, most often just tedious. But it is a period of time I think, oddly enough, eh?
This morning I reflected on Italy for example, on many things right now I reactions cause rash, profanity, of stress and hatred. And I concluded that the greatest evil of our country is our mentality
Let me explain.
We Italians have two great vices, which are the bedrock on which proliferate all the flaws of the beautiful country (not the one who sells the milkman): selfishness more or less latent, and mental laziness.
The first is obvious: the motto of the Republic may well be "bum your neighbor and you will be rewarded." We are the people whose main goal is to realize a dream, but screwed the next fool the people, pressing, shaping, and the least possible risk. People who make false papers for 50 € in less taxes, which first invents the deception and then makes the law, he can not do things civilly even when scaccola nose. Examples: the line at the post office, where everyone is in with a knife between your teeth because there is always someone who will try to pass, throw the paper of cigarettes on the ground in less than 40 cm from the nearest trash can, slamming the car in the second row for half an hour of not caring for those who regularly parked. And these are only trifles. There are also chairmen of the board using the parliament to settle their quarrels - true or false, a trial court should not scare anyone who is truly innocent, there are parliamentary rather than lose the more parties that have changed cadreghino socks, and there are public officials who literally destroy companies and institutions, and earn in a year more than a medium-size can produce in 10 years.
The mental laziness, a little more subtle, affecting more rarely, but with much more powerful damage. A kind of atomic social fact. Laziness is the one that produced a law on artificial insemination, which is a real human and legal abortion (the thought of the church has spared millions of people use their effort and thought that makes you ...); spend billions of euro to search, arrest, prosecute and then leave the illegal immigrants, but that does not spend a euro in order to prevent those illegal immigrants should emigrate from their countries, and that driving schools are teaching more people to commit suicide in the car, which create laws and decrees to avoid the Saturday night, but they do not teach people how to drive. That raises prohibitionist laws, but that prevents education careful and thorough about sex, drugs, alcohol. And there would be hundreds more examples.
So at this point I wonder why?
Because we are not able to create institutions that actually work? Why insist on thousands of students go to university even though he knew very well that the goats, and the balls are removed to make room for those who are truly capable? Because hundreds of employers cosider employees / collaborators such as lemons to squeeze, and because thousands of workers consider the salary as a vested right, and work as a dirty necessity to avoid whenever possible? Why do not people learn to admit their limitations, and begins to roll up their sleeves and do at least one's duty?
's not a matter of right, left, rich or poor. This is only the common good, ie the sum of the good of everyone.

JFK said, Falcone and often quoted, this phrase:
"A man does what he is doing his duty, whatever the personal consequences, whatever the obstacles, threats or pressure.
This is the basis of all human morality. "

Obviously, our country is not a moral.


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