Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Quick Way To Get Rid Of Impetigo

selfishness and laziness I have no words today

Actually, no, Sticazzi ... I have many ... too many!
When you say the shit that changes color, but the smell remains the same ... Obviously I'm talking about my head, He-who-is-more-of-a-major-but-less-than-a-whole. I just had to try to reach the lofty heights which human meanness, and all this thanks to him, a shining example of integration among the worst scum of Abruzzo and the Genoese. I really should thank him for his immense generosity in the prodigious figure of shit worthy of the high points of the Prime Arcore license plate.
then: A customer brought his son, a worthy heir of his father, asks me for a Chinese translation, sworn and notarized (the initiated will understand what the fuck break it). Of course, in no time. And fringed so the balls, a cute avvocatino from the name that recalls the "ferryman of souls" by Dante, who eventually takes us to exhaustion and I start the translation. Yes, proceed, we have a devil of a hurry, the customer is essential, let alone does not pay. Then four days of silence, and finally, the request to suspend it. Too bad that in the meantime the work was ready. 2500 euros of stuff.
Total: The client says he has not signed anything, so do not intend to pay. Sub-total: Fyodor, you're a jerk.
immediately notice the Boss, and propose a scontissimo to the customer. Nada.
Retry: nada. In short, he eventually tells us that officially does not pay. And we have to take 2,500 euros on the rump of stuff.

OK. Mea culpa, mea culpa, meamaximaculpa (gesture fracture of two ribs). Ash on the head, I keep my insults and amen. Meanwhile, shooting on the accounts of the month, and it appears that we are above 70% as compared with standard, and this is due to two clients managed, bred, fed and pampered by moi. I do this - humbly - to him, saying that in fact, in the end, I'm doing forgive. He smiles, says nothing.

Today I called in "meeting room" (there are only the taps, and then could be passed off as the third process of the office), and I said "You know, I was thinking that, yes, well ... to retrieve those passes € 2,000 and ... maybe ... I do not know ... could not you do some extra translation? For example, there is a site that would be updated with translations in English ... here ... So if I could take care of you, as regards the type of speech ... "I am thrilled


... But now I can think of one thing. And I agree, smiling, I make those translations .
course, God forbid!

Yes, my dear head of shit, I'll just do those translation. officially.
Go to find all folders that will entrust to native speakers and that spalmerò on 4 or 5 jobs. So, my dear head-of-the prostate, not only takes into ass the first € 2,500, but also take in the ass workbooks that "I will." And rest assured that I will use the translator most expensive of our team, you know, is a matter of quality ...

not satisfied with the hundreds of hours of overtime that I gave you? On Saturdays and Sundays to watch past the post to deliver lyrics? The last move to leave you a favor? The strokes left and right to asseverate languages \u200b\u200bthat did not even know existed, to make you earn 42 euro risking prison?
Evidently, no.

So, now you'll get enough to split the 8.00 hours to devote to your business shit. And you'll get the urge I'll have enough to work, depending on the day. Want to door? Do it.

But then do not complain if you no longer even the door ...


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