Thursday, July 17, 2008

Funny Wording For 50th Birthday

A civilized country?

yesterday's news by 2010 everyone will be obliged to give their fingerprints for identity cards, which will report on the fingerprint.

not wait to go into the first office of the Registry to let me scan the fingers, or better yet, the old way, plunging the index finger in the ink then spataccarlo on identity cards, table, face the officer in charge of the Registry and any other place to be spataccato.
I say ... are we kidding? My impressions
state already has them: having made the "three days" (for those born after 1980, the visit of leverage), I took the fingerprints of all fingers of his left hand and right hand. But why take the fingerprints? What's the use? And above all, without = 0 the benefits, how long will this show of talent?
We talk about privacy, "wiretapping, Italian anomaly" (as if the only, but this sproloquierò below), a civilized country, to ensure, the protection of the citizen. And in all this, fingerprints, what stracazzo what??
I mean, if I'm going to pair someone, I do not think it's a problem for the police to go back to my fingerprints, but I have a strange, frightening feeling that could be used so you know ... improper here!
So, dear Italian Republic, the day when I come to renew their identity card - unless it decides to say, Britain or other country in the world - do not be surprised if I accidentally puccia a finger in Silicone: these things happen ...


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