Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How Much Electricity Does A Space Heater Use

How dare you ...?

[emphasis by Bausch Milan]
No. .. I say ... but it? How dare you?
How dare you stop the movement of suicide on the metro line 1? Are You Kidding? Here there are people working, people who make no mica which has the time to lose! And how dare you
eighteen year old boy to get yourself killed while picking up a wastepaper Gardaland? But dehydrated, could not be more careful, head! Now I'm going in the direction and I do refund the ticket: I paid, I, and I expect a service!
And then all the people who complain that the prices are dear: Huei, folks, the world is a jungle, if you want to get there, you have to get your ass, you gh'et el de fass parioeu , understand?
But I do not know ... Where will we finish this step?
[end delirium]

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Watch Los Hombres De Paco

tonight are very thoughtful.
Will the fatigue that this year is being felt more than usual, which Fabio will I miss a lot, which will be a period of ups and downs, sometimes very positive, sometimes negative, most often just tedious. But it is a period of time I think, oddly enough, eh?
This morning I reflected on Italy for example, on many things right now I reactions cause rash, profanity, of stress and hatred. And I concluded that the greatest evil of our country is our mentality
Let me explain.
We Italians have two great vices, which are the bedrock on which proliferate all the flaws of the beautiful country (not the one who sells the milkman): selfishness more or less latent, and mental laziness.
The first is obvious: the motto of the Republic may well be "bum your neighbor and you will be rewarded." We are the people whose main goal is to realize a dream, but screwed the next fool the people, pressing, shaping, and the least possible risk. People who make false papers for 50 € in less taxes, which first invents the deception and then makes the law, he can not do things civilly even when scaccola nose. Examples: the line at the post office, where everyone is in with a knife between your teeth because there is always someone who will try to pass, throw the paper of cigarettes on the ground in less than 40 cm from the nearest trash can, slamming the car in the second row for half an hour of not caring for those who regularly parked. And these are only trifles. There are also chairmen of the board using the parliament to settle their quarrels - true or false, a trial court should not scare anyone who is truly innocent, there are parliamentary rather than lose the more parties that have changed cadreghino socks, and there are public officials who literally destroy companies and institutions, and earn in a year more than a medium-size can produce in 10 years.
The mental laziness, a little more subtle, affecting more rarely, but with much more powerful damage. A kind of atomic social fact. Laziness is the one that produced a law on artificial insemination, which is a real human and legal abortion (the thought of the church has spared millions of people use their effort and thought that makes you ...); spend billions of euro to search, arrest, prosecute and then leave the illegal immigrants, but that does not spend a euro in order to prevent those illegal immigrants should emigrate from their countries, and that driving schools are teaching more people to commit suicide in the car, which create laws and decrees to avoid the Saturday night, but they do not teach people how to drive. That raises prohibitionist laws, but that prevents education careful and thorough about sex, drugs, alcohol. And there would be hundreds more examples.
So at this point I wonder why?
Because we are not able to create institutions that actually work? Why insist on thousands of students go to university even though he knew very well that the goats, and the balls are removed to make room for those who are truly capable? Because hundreds of employers cosider employees / collaborators such as lemons to squeeze, and because thousands of workers consider the salary as a vested right, and work as a dirty necessity to avoid whenever possible? Why do not people learn to admit their limitations, and begins to roll up their sleeves and do at least one's duty?
's not a matter of right, left, rich or poor. This is only the common good, ie the sum of the good of everyone.

JFK said, Falcone and often quoted, this phrase:
"A man does what he is doing his duty, whatever the personal consequences, whatever the obstacles, threats or pressure.
This is the basis of all human morality. "

Obviously, our country is not a moral.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Quick Way To Get Rid Of Impetigo

selfishness and laziness I have no words today

Actually, no, Sticazzi ... I have many ... too many!
When you say the shit that changes color, but the smell remains the same ... Obviously I'm talking about my head, He-who-is-more-of-a-major-but-less-than-a-whole. I just had to try to reach the lofty heights which human meanness, and all this thanks to him, a shining example of integration among the worst scum of Abruzzo and the Genoese. I really should thank him for his immense generosity in the prodigious figure of shit worthy of the high points of the Prime Arcore license plate.
then: A customer brought his son, a worthy heir of his father, asks me for a Chinese translation, sworn and notarized (the initiated will understand what the fuck break it). Of course, in no time. And fringed so the balls, a cute avvocatino from the name that recalls the "ferryman of souls" by Dante, who eventually takes us to exhaustion and I start the translation. Yes, proceed, we have a devil of a hurry, the customer is essential, let alone does not pay. Then four days of silence, and finally, the request to suspend it. Too bad that in the meantime the work was ready. 2500 euros of stuff.
Total: The client says he has not signed anything, so do not intend to pay. Sub-total: Fyodor, you're a jerk.
immediately notice the Boss, and propose a scontissimo to the customer. Nada.
Retry: nada. In short, he eventually tells us that officially does not pay. And we have to take 2,500 euros on the rump of stuff.

OK. Mea culpa, mea culpa, meamaximaculpa (gesture fracture of two ribs). Ash on the head, I keep my insults and amen. Meanwhile, shooting on the accounts of the month, and it appears that we are above 70% as compared with standard, and this is due to two clients managed, bred, fed and pampered by moi. I do this - humbly - to him, saying that in fact, in the end, I'm doing forgive. He smiles, says nothing.

Today I called in "meeting room" (there are only the taps, and then could be passed off as the third process of the office), and I said "You know, I was thinking that, yes, well ... to retrieve those passes € 2,000 and ... maybe ... I do not know ... could not you do some extra translation? For example, there is a site that would be updated with translations in English ... here ... So if I could take care of you, as regards the type of speech ... "I am thrilled


... But now I can think of one thing. And I agree, smiling, I make those translations .
course, God forbid!

Yes, my dear head of shit, I'll just do those translation. officially.
Go to find all folders that will entrust to native speakers and that spalmerò on 4 or 5 jobs. So, my dear head-of-the prostate, not only takes into ass the first € 2,500, but also take in the ass workbooks that "I will." And rest assured that I will use the translator most expensive of our team, you know, is a matter of quality ...

not satisfied with the hundreds of hours of overtime that I gave you? On Saturdays and Sundays to watch past the post to deliver lyrics? The last move to leave you a favor? The strokes left and right to asseverate languages \u200b\u200bthat did not even know existed, to make you earn 42 euro risking prison?
Evidently, no.

So, now you'll get enough to split the 8.00 hours to devote to your business shit. And you'll get the urge I'll have enough to work, depending on the day. Want to door? Do it.

But then do not complain if you no longer even the door ...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Aftermarket Automotive Cd Player Wiring Diagram


Sometimes I think I was fortunaterrimo to be born in Italy rather than in Finland. OK, I'm not raving, let me explain: Can you imagine growing up with bread and reindeer? A'll never hear the scent of a tomato, the crunch of a carrot wash your teeth ache, the pleasant tingling of eggplant or homemade pecorino , the weight of the beneficial cassoeula , the enigmatic aroma of clove ' garlic that has decided to stay in the stomach for a few days?
No, I'm no food nun je the would!
Example: yesterday evening dinner by the distinguished, based pici with meat sauce, followed by a tub of chocolate ice cream in 4 variations. Rosso di Montefalco and Recioto to polish the pipes.
But how can you live without it? How do you survive potatoes in cans, in packaged foods? O
without coffee seriously. Or without pizza, focaccia, spare grill, wraps, tigelle, watercress, burlenghi, fried dumplings, Pucci, pants, etc..
Well, at least in this, W Italy.
And fuck the proponents of sashimi, tandoori, the nouvelle cuisine. Yes, ok, it's all good. But before talking about sashimi, sample mondeghili , a timbale of macaroni, tajarin with liver, tripe, or an omelet made trivial as it should. And sant'iddio, enough I'm Nero d'Avola, broke the balls! There are spectacular wines in Italy, Sangiovese from the Taurasi from Gavi Pecorino (yes, there is a grape - and wine - so called), from Freisa Aglianico, etc.. etc..
not a matter of nationalism or "Made in Italy is that you miss so much.
And if you insist, your cock, you do not know what you're missing!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Understanding Wella Color


today are not in the mood ... afternoon tea will be that I was on my stomach, it will be that I just had a bath in bleach and washed the dust-bin ... bah ... today goes well.
I give the degreaser, perhaps by dint of my breathing down a bit 'is fucking bacon: o)
(because I can be an idiot even when my brain is overloaded? Bah ... I have to call a neurologist and ask if there an area just for the coglionaggine: my hails to be beautiful).

Friday, July 18, 2008

Brownie Try It Art Ideas

BOOK: The bestiary of Zia

begin a new column, which will insert some gems that I find that I see on the various texts, or on email clients and suppliers, or that I write - so modest as to bullshit are just a few seconds:

- Senta but then what we summary for this job?

B-Say, a packed lunch as they say in English?
Z-Packed Lunch
B-Ah, no pocket lunch? (B. degree in English, NDZ)

- Okeizziamo budget.

'm a step, the next installment soon.

Missouri Dmv On Koch Road

ok, let's start ...

These days the news of a court ruling (Supreme? Boh, nun me remember) when you agree to the interruption of force-feeding of a poor man who grows from 16 years in a hospital bed.
OK, the topic is quite tricky, I admit. Although I would say that in fact the argument itself is not at all tricky, but that has been made that a little thing. A little thing called Catholicism, and is expressed in various forms in the four corners of the planet (Although that is round, its beautiful corners gave them to the same). The fact is that thanks to a certain vision of the world, made their own and in part generated by the person who refers to the Catholic doctrine, or the Christian faith in general, nowadays no one can claim to be entirely master of his own life. And of his death, which is its natural conclusion. Nothing has
the fact that a person express their will at the height of his faculties, or that nothing and no one has yet proved to belong to any of the human upper body - which in turn has not yet revealed its existence. So, to me on the ass is that you decide not to suffer, then you're here and die in agony, full stop: this seems to be the reasoning that drives so many little heads more or less clerical in Italy and the rest terraqueous Orbe.
Be ', if he did not understand, I is not well. I want to leave as I will, not as someone else wants. I could not direct me to open the curtain on this life, at least the output of the scene I decide!
How do you say to a terminally ill - cancer, AIDS, diabetes, Parkinson's or any other disease terribly painful - "No, you do not you commit suicide, because your life belongs to God"? The answer that I would be spontaneous "So what if I take him my pain, and do not piss me." But in his infinite generosity, the Almighty (which is not Berlusconi, by definition) gives grace to suffer like animals, to experience surges of grief that perhaps not even the Nazis ever inflicted on their victims.
And then, two things.
First, I hope tomorrow, when it's up to me to have strength and I can choose my death, I could fill of beta-blockers and vodka (or rum, and barbiturates, perhaps with a little 'lime and sugar) without giving me the task of anyone I please. And I hope no one dares to criticize my choice, otherwise my last act will be to open it in two, large or small, or secular priest who is.
Second, I wish all those who are indignant and anathematizing that they decide to stop suffering, to spend even half of the suffering that so incensed. O to finish at the San Raffaele, where until a few years ago, was given morphine for the pain ennobles ...

Well ... now a dab of good balls and I go to a cigarette fumarmi: o) Baci

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Funny Wording For 50th Birthday

A civilized country?

yesterday's news by 2010 everyone will be obliged to give their fingerprints for identity cards, which will report on the fingerprint.

not wait to go into the first office of the Registry to let me scan the fingers, or better yet, the old way, plunging the index finger in the ink then spataccarlo on identity cards, table, face the officer in charge of the Registry and any other place to be spataccato.
I say ... are we kidding? My impressions
state already has them: having made the "three days" (for those born after 1980, the visit of leverage), I took the fingerprints of all fingers of his left hand and right hand. But why take the fingerprints? What's the use? And above all, without = 0 the benefits, how long will this show of talent?
We talk about privacy, "wiretapping, Italian anomaly" (as if the only, but this sproloquierò below), a civilized country, to ensure, the protection of the citizen. And in all this, fingerprints, what stracazzo what??
I mean, if I'm going to pair someone, I do not think it's a problem for the police to go back to my fingerprints, but I have a strange, frightening feeling that could be used so you know ... improper here!
So, dear Italian Republic, the day when I come to renew their identity card - unless it decides to say, Britain or other country in the world - do not be surprised if I accidentally puccia a finger in Silicone: these things happen ...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Blackberry Service Mallorca

nocerino a nostalgic ... Enzo Cross ... a real radio presenter

Hello Massimo, was a little 'time since I saw you and when a few days ago I had the opportunity to see you again, for me it was an enormous pleasure. For us "young 40" we have, in fact a little bit 'recent history of Nocera (RDA, Radio Erta, the legendary Studio 56, the Mastiffs' etc.etc.) Have found a tool as your TV has been Nocera a very nice surprise. Fresh, young, interactive fashion that we do not live Nocera, but the more we see from far away to live as if we were there, with your services and your investigation to make us feel not far from our land natia.Solo the fact that if one is located in the North or abroad, but just One click is just arrive in a square or gets a bath in the course (of course with so much imagination). A great good luck, go great Maximus, a hug, Enzo Cross

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

General Cover Letter Retail

Nocera A great together!

I always wanted a united Nocera: it would be a dream for me to see in the near future the Upper and Lower districts welded no longer exclusive to
territorial elements, cultural factors and behaviors in solidarity, but also with regard to most problematic aspects of diplomatic, bureaucratic and geopolitical.
The great momentum that gives me this idea does not instill much-bizarre-it is also due to the enthusiastic confidence of not being the only person to cultivate
this dream, always respecting the deep cultural roots that bind me to this land , this city is now divided into purely territorial sense.
always so I guess, I am committed and believe in one great Nocera, pride and the pride of the Agro entire region of Campania!

Director, Massimo Civale.