59 AD It was far away when, during a gladiatorial show, arena of Pompeii, a fight broke out. Before the abuse began between supporters and those Nocerini Pompey, then began throwing stones and in the end, the hand went into the army. There were several deaths and many injuries, especially in the ranks Nocerino. The Emperor Nero, the Senate brought the incident and decided to close the amphitheater was here for ten years and the dissolution of the teams (colleges). Senator Regulus, event organizer and the instigators of the brawl were all exiles. The causes of this unfortunate event are to be found in a previous episode. With the introduction of Nocera in the colony, had been removed from the land (ager) to Pompey, to expand the new colony. This decision was not taken well by some eminence grise and Pompeian art is created in the collision. The painting above depicts the incident and was found in a house in Pompeii. Now is the Archaeological Museum of Naples.
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