Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Vicodin Does To Your Blood And Your Heart

NoceraTV in New York with Massimo Civale

A great emotion, it's been a few days of travel in New York organized by NoceraTV, scatter symbols to enter the largest parade taliana the World that of Columbus Day in New York and still does not seem possible to be able to fly from Naples / Paris / New York, a journey full of emotions so strong and overwhelming.

's not all, days of seeing the parade on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the famous Fifth Avenue and make a frame with the tricolor Italian in a heartbeat, it is something indescribable, a fast ciro between Brooklyn , Bronx, Chianatown, Little Italy, Times Square, Empire, Zero Graund

I went to Nerw York primarily to attend the prize COLOMBO 2008, with the artists I IGNAZIO PES Sardinian singer, Joseph Cyril and Paola Salurso, our engineer Nicola Marra

an event attended by many guests on the stage of HH Lehman Highschool hosted the prize to Professor Colombo Alfonsina De Felice, councilor of Social Welfare, Youth Policies, Equal Opportunities, Immigration and Emigration of State property of the Campania region.

To receive her there will be a procession of about four hundred people, faithful members of the Italian associations in America. As argued by Nicola Trombetta, president of the Federation of Assosa Use of Campania, "the prize Columbus is seen by the community as a high recognition the contributions of many generations of Italian-Americans, who have helped make this great nazione.È great appreciation of Italian, which remains in the official history of the United States, a further incentive for us all to continue to bring pride Our very Italian. "enthusiasm of Nicola Trombetta joins that of the chairman of Columbus Award, Vincent Carpinelli and consultant for the Campania region in America, Pasquale Masucci, who have labored for the award of the newly elected councilor in order to crown a relationship with the Campania region, already opened for some time and based on mutual support. As emphasized in the commissioner himself, in fact, "immigrants make a contribution valuable to his native country with their savings, investment, encouraging tourism and as supporters of "Made in Italy". They also represent an invaluable source of wealth for the adopted country, America.

I have formed the fabric of society and sharing in the creation. "America" \u200b\u200bself-made man "sees, in short, starring the Italian immigrant, from pioneer beginning to the second generation, which absorbed the culture in the home of the boot, to the great grandchildren of Italians, who are trying to recover attending language courses.

There are also known as "brain drain", arrived in recent years by an Italy, which at this historical juncture can not exploit them. In this regard, Councillor De Felice took the opportunity to formalize the creation of a "web community" all the bells in the world, using the latest technology, will create an indissoluble union between Campania and the remaining parties . The evening proceeded with the exuberance of moderation and Angela Arella Tony Abbot, the sincere involvement of the consul John Favilli. There is also the director of the District of New York, Tony Avella, a tangible example of a descendant of Italians, managed to integrate successfully in the American context.

The evening was punctuated with blows of castanets and tambourine, with a performance of folk groups recognized internationally: "Achilles and the group of Montemarano" and "Alessandra Belloni and Jesters of the Square", which made accaponare the skin, using the tarantella to approach the sacred and the profane. But also dances of the Middle Ages, interpreted the result of the procession to Our Lady of Montevergine superstitious rituals and popular.

Other artists of considerable talent, including the songwriters Ignatius Pes Sardo, Giuseppe Cirillo, the Province of Salerno and the young musician, Angelo Coppola, have made the evening a pleasant confirmation of the talents and resources we have.

These indisputable grit and lifeblood has appealed the commissioner Alfonsina De Felice, when he said that in this difficult period of history, in which Italy and the international economy pay, Italians in America serve as a model to emulate.

You must keep in mind the ancestral proverb "a virtue of necessity '," convinced that the most difficult situations you should receive the strongest stimuli to reagire.Ci hope that our young Italians, without being discouraged by the difficulties , keep in mind the tangible example of their predecessors.


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