Monday, August 4, 2008

Rust On Kitchen Knives

Wilkommen in dem Kleinen Italienischen

E 'is time of the final decisions!
Are you happy to have the military on the streets? Noo? But how?!
Hundreds of the best steers raised by the loving care of the Imperial Army, prepared and packaged in their camouflage jumpsuit, which graze freely on the streets of the city. And you are not happy?
Ungrateful, that's what you are!
not perceived security that give you the tones of green and brown? Do not you feel more quietly in front of those assault rifles in the capable hands of our fighters? Bah ... people are just a bull!

Mephisto And to think that La Russa has put so much care and so hard to get them polished. Even Presty became the bidet before going to greet the troops deployed to the extreme defense of our cities.
Come on up, do not do children. There was not much need of soldiers to the streets to turn this country into a dictatorship: it was already before you were born, little heads of the penis. Only that your skulls if they are not phallic never noticed: they are good at these things, I know, on the other hand you are 30 years happily thrombus, but Benito .... He was a genius, is clear, in less than 5 years was able to take you by the balls and you were (almost) everyone happy.
I took me a bit 'more ... but what satisfaction to see them go one by one ... Bettino ... Arnaldo ... Giulio has even had to step aside! Now guys, I'm in charge.
ok, ', of course, I'll help: I \u200b\u200bcan not do everything. Italy, Mediaset, Milan, my aziendine off-shore, oh, let's face it, I have seventy years old, give me a bit 'of peace!
Then I have my buddies in the south ever, in Sicily, Campania, Puglia, Calabria ... are very good, no doubt about it, but lack of style ... lack of overall vision, although I did open branches down in the North. Type the Neapolitan prime contractors, but all that blood ... blech. A bit 'is good, but then the stove, dirty. And people need to keep it good with good, why so bad then understand them better.
Pay attention to Uncle Silvio: grease it, let them buy a house, new car, maybe even the cottage by the sea. And rest assured that more will not break my balls.

Oh ... I'm going to review the 8 million eur ... um ... bayonets that have delivered this morning.
Italians! Do your homework: go on vacation, and brown well.
On your destinies we are awake, do not worry ...



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