Monday, October 27, 2008

Pinky's Hairdressing Brampton Ontario

BOOK: The Bestiary of Zia

Back by popular demand (my) bestiary, with a new pearl (the author is always the same, the prolific children's bullshit) :

A-We were asked to organize a trip to Tuscany, and also want to go to the spa area always

B-(enthusiastically) Mandiamoli Abano

-A Look at Padua Abano is

B-memo , then that's fine

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ap Biology Labs Answers Online

open letter from Mario Nocera

here is the speech by Mario ..

Dear Sir,
are an avid reader of your site.
From Nocerino, lover of my city, I think all that talk about positive Nocera and make known the initiatives, history, images, both good and bad (because his hand before his eyes, not to see what is wrong is hypocrisy).
But now she has us intrigued (as I believe others). Her readers asked her to realize that invitation to "let the ambiguity of language, and be explicit and clear" was outstanding. We must say that what this site has "stolen the idea."
From a quick internet search did not find any other portal like yours, who knows, that is, so beautifully and clearly (really appreciate the simplicity of use and visual impact of your site), summarize the news that appear on various portals. You and your writing, you know the best snatch of The Morning online, the official site of the town, the sites on Nocerina to offer your readers a 360-degree view of the two cities represented (I also hope that one day are a).
So tell us what the other site (the Bear does not appear even if doing extensive research on the most common engines).
Finally, I would like to invite do not pay attention to criticism: a typing error can happen to anyone.
know, unfortunately, that "prophet in my homeland." It is always appreciated more outside than in their city (although one is good). Nocera
I hope we can pay to its rightful place, she and her passionate work with the director says with the pictures, as well as in words. His
Mario C.

Dear Mario,
Your words warm my heart ... You know it is thanks to you, and the many people who follow us every day and we show their appreciation and gratitude that we find the motivation to continue this initiative.
For me the issue is already closed, or rather never open, I just wanted nobody available to public action against me, knowing that this had spurred heated and the environment.
Noceratv Sai was born to U.S. Nocerino, and will always be impartial and free from any political, free in the sense that totally ready to work with all concerned, because I am convinced that unity is strength, and is an excellent tool to grow together.
I take this opportunity to say hello, and I offer my heartfelt
Regards Massimo Civale

Friday, October 24, 2008

Nhl On Nbc Theme Song

eh ... we continue to move ... FRANCESCO here

Dear Friends ...
our TV was created to publish, not least the voice of Nocera, or who writes ...

Here is an example of our sound, impartial and transparent communication with our readers ....

Objective of "special congratulations" and "meticulous observations" our director ... that he wanted to, with pleasure, in the first person to answer, his friend Francis ...

here is the text of an answer ...

Dear Francesco,

I would be very happy to show you, and whoever is interested, all my titles and the various honors conferitemi.

I'm sorry to note, however, that probably neither you and your family are native or otherwise originating in Nocera Inferiore, Nocera Superiore, nor even, because from what I've written, it appears that I do not know .. . okay ...

However, on the occasion of your community, call contact my office for an appointment with me at our headquarters in Nocera, or in our studios in Naples, where you prefer. It 'goes without saying that I will be very pleased to meet you, to provide all the information you need. Here is the specific

mail ( ), for the attention of my boss-secretary, Dr. Rosita Coppola, to make an appointment at the headquarters of Nocera Inferiore, or the specific mail (secretariat @ retenapolitv . it), for the attention of my colleague, Mrs. Rosa Tuccillo, to make an appointment at the headquarters in Naples.

I take this opportunity to thank you for your attention every day we pay, I am very pleased, but especially my son Salvatore, about 2 years ago thought of this initiative, know that there are people who read us, follow us (like you ...) and we highlight, and therefore help us to correct our typos, grammatical as well as providing valuable suggestions.

Really thank you, I recommend but ... I'll wait, as you requested, to give you all the information you want to .. and more ...

Awaiting your welcome presence, I offer


Director Dr. Cav. Massimo Civale

and here is the full text received ....

E-mail information request by Franco

Referring to this letter, I wonder what this website can be copied by you that I personally have never heard of. I would be pleased to know, if possible, the web address of this website. I would add, I do not want my dear director, cav., Director, Massimo Civale, I would like to know what kind of schools did. I ask this because, again if I do not want, especially written as I wrote it and not sopprattutto. "Do" does not exist in Italian, the verb do not want emphasis. If it's just a little care will note with great pleasure that many of its pages are seasoned with coarse grammatical errors. Waiting for your reply, I extend my best regards.

PS: I'd like to sign myself dr. cav. ing. Director, but since I stopped at the eighth grade I greet you with only my name at the bottom.

Francesco Autiero

What Is Butal-apap-325-caff Mik

know, countess ...

What he told me a dear relative employment! That this scum locked up there inside face of free love profession. Besides, my dear, what is surprising: even the worker's son wants doctor. Do you think that environment that can come out! There is no more moral, Countess.
(P. Pietrangeli, 1966)

This is my grandfather 40 years ago he sang in the square. My mother sang it 30 years ago, in the square. And even today there would be just fine if only someone remembered it.

this morning on my way to work I saw a parade procession of high school students who went to the event. All accurate, well-dressed, polite, all on the sidewalk, crossing at traffic lights and stripes. They made me a bit 'of tenderness, and so I wanted to join them.
At the same time, However, I'm pissed off like a beast. Why is not fair. It is not right that we continue year after year to further cripple the school. It is not right that cutting through funds to the universities, that it is removed under Education, which makes it difficult to develop quality education by multiplying names and titles, and subtracting the same money.

is not right that in a city like Milan, there really are more selective public universities, there is a principle of meritocracy wild, finally cleaned up from every shadow and every stain of patronage, recommendations, and ass-licker.
It is not just a government that leverages the problems of education and the university to give them the coup de grace to finally crush the hope of improving things.
It's not fair that the university just a few examples of private accounts seriously, against a sea of \u200b\u200bshit, genuine pearls as academies, specialist schools and turning them into large institutions should be disgraced foundations (see SSIT, Paolo Grassi , etc.)..
not fair deceive million students and thousands of university students, taking the piss on their future. It's not fair that companies will exploit the capabilities without giving them anything in return. It is unfair that some people like entrepreneurs who know all too well make systematic use of interns, contracts a project to enrich and VAT.

not fair that my grandfather, who is no longer here, has given the soul, has taken heavy blows, has made the fight against hunger for this 40 years ago. E 'out of respect for him and the millions of people like him who believed in a better future for all, now I'm pissed off. And I feel that I will be more and more.
To you, little big man.

Companions from fields and workshops, take the scythe and pick up the hammer ...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Is Indomie Bring Cancer

visited and copied, something moved ... Massimo Civale

Dear friends and girlfriends,
few days I have been informed of the birth of a new portal here at Nocera.
I, personally, along with the team of, I take this opportunity to do our best wishes in order that it can, become a very successful organ of information, useful for our community, but at the same time, I would remind these gentlemen that the world of the Internet is a world open to all those who have creativity and ideas to "sell", and the success of a portal created by creative people is assured . As for people who copy others' ideas and lack of creativity, I would say that sin of superiority just useless.
to leave the ambiguity of language, and be explicit and clear in its opinion, "our dear friends" of the new portal, we have totally or partially (depending on personal opinions) copied.
If I remember correctly, a few months ago, we had tried to forge a relationship of collaboration, but no response from them (do not know why) and we have received from most portals Nocera, and not only the utmost cooperation and respect for something that points to the growth and Nocera 's Agro whole district, who was born more than a year.
From here it denotes the needless indifference, or rather, apparent indifference, because to be copied, so you are considered, great, I add with satisfaction.
I, as director, along with the entire editorial staff of our magazine, we are always willing to establish relations of close cooperation with websites, soppratutto Nocerino.
conclude with some advice because these people have few ideas and creativity, always Come to visit on our TV, and for updates on news and Agro Nocera of the two, both on the news that day by day our webmaster realize, so you can officially draw Ideas for your website, and try to improve.

Director Dr.
Cav. Director
Massimo Civale

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Free Clipart Skid Ice

COLUMBUS DAY 2008 by Massimo Civale

What Vicodin Does To Your Blood And Your Heart

NoceraTV in New York with Massimo Civale

A great emotion, it's been a few days of travel in New York organized by NoceraTV, scatter symbols to enter the largest parade taliana the World that of Columbus Day in New York and still does not seem possible to be able to fly from Naples / Paris / New York, a journey full of emotions so strong and overwhelming.

's not all, days of seeing the parade on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the famous Fifth Avenue and make a frame with the tricolor Italian in a heartbeat, it is something indescribable, a fast ciro between Brooklyn , Bronx, Chianatown, Little Italy, Times Square, Empire, Zero Graund

I went to Nerw York primarily to attend the prize COLOMBO 2008, with the artists I IGNAZIO PES Sardinian singer, Joseph Cyril and Paola Salurso, our engineer Nicola Marra

an event attended by many guests on the stage of HH Lehman Highschool hosted the prize to Professor Colombo Alfonsina De Felice, councilor of Social Welfare, Youth Policies, Equal Opportunities, Immigration and Emigration of State property of the Campania region.

To receive her there will be a procession of about four hundred people, faithful members of the Italian associations in America. As argued by Nicola Trombetta, president of the Federation of Assosa Use of Campania, "the prize Columbus is seen by the community as a high recognition the contributions of many generations of Italian-Americans, who have helped make this great nazione.È great appreciation of Italian, which remains in the official history of the United States, a further incentive for us all to continue to bring pride Our very Italian. "enthusiasm of Nicola Trombetta joins that of the chairman of Columbus Award, Vincent Carpinelli and consultant for the Campania region in America, Pasquale Masucci, who have labored for the award of the newly elected councilor in order to crown a relationship with the Campania region, already opened for some time and based on mutual support. As emphasized in the commissioner himself, in fact, "immigrants make a contribution valuable to his native country with their savings, investment, encouraging tourism and as supporters of "Made in Italy". They also represent an invaluable source of wealth for the adopted country, America.

I have formed the fabric of society and sharing in the creation. "America" \u200b\u200bself-made man "sees, in short, starring the Italian immigrant, from pioneer beginning to the second generation, which absorbed the culture in the home of the boot, to the great grandchildren of Italians, who are trying to recover attending language courses.

There are also known as "brain drain", arrived in recent years by an Italy, which at this historical juncture can not exploit them. In this regard, Councillor De Felice took the opportunity to formalize the creation of a "web community" all the bells in the world, using the latest technology, will create an indissoluble union between Campania and the remaining parties . The evening proceeded with the exuberance of moderation and Angela Arella Tony Abbot, the sincere involvement of the consul John Favilli. There is also the director of the District of New York, Tony Avella, a tangible example of a descendant of Italians, managed to integrate successfully in the American context.

The evening was punctuated with blows of castanets and tambourine, with a performance of folk groups recognized internationally: "Achilles and the group of Montemarano" and "Alessandra Belloni and Jesters of the Square", which made accaponare the skin, using the tarantella to approach the sacred and the profane. But also dances of the Middle Ages, interpreted the result of the procession to Our Lady of Montevergine superstitious rituals and popular.

Other artists of considerable talent, including the songwriters Ignatius Pes Sardo, Giuseppe Cirillo, the Province of Salerno and the young musician, Angelo Coppola, have made the evening a pleasant confirmation of the talents and resources we have.

These indisputable grit and lifeblood has appealed the commissioner Alfonsina De Felice, when he said that in this difficult period of history, in which Italy and the international economy pay, Italians in America serve as a model to emulate.

You must keep in mind the ancestral proverb "a virtue of necessity '," convinced that the most difficult situations you should receive the strongest stimuli to reagire.Ci hope that our young Italians, without being discouraged by the difficulties , keep in mind the tangible example of their predecessors.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Egg White Cervical Mucus Blood Tinged

If the present is your future you do not like, remember your past

59 AD It was far away when, during a gladiatorial show, arena of Pompeii, a fight broke out. Before the abuse began between supporters and those Nocerini Pompey, then began throwing stones and in the end, the hand went into the army. There were several deaths and many injuries, especially in the ranks Nocerino. The Emperor Nero, the Senate brought the incident and decided to close the amphitheater was here for ten years and the dissolution of the teams (colleges). Senator Regulus, event organizer and the instigators of the brawl were all exiles. The causes of this unfortunate event are to be found in a previous episode. With the introduction of Nocera in the colony, had been removed from the land (ager) to Pompey, to expand the new colony. This decision was not taken well by some eminence grise and Pompeian art is created in the collision. The painting above depicts the incident and was found in a house in Pompeii. Now is the Archaeological Museum of Naples.