Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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El Hombre y La Tierra: the history of the center

The energy center El Hombre y La Tierra was born in 'in October of 2009 by' idea and the desire to Inma Moreno Guerrero, Spain 's origin but living in Bologna for several years. The pastel colors, images and details sought on the walls, transform this place into a new place of peace and prosperity in Bologna. El Hombre y La Tierra is a center devoted to the body and the 'soul, where pilates classes are organized groups with a maximum of three persons, individual paths for their personal use, as well as nutritional consultations and seminars, and events dedicated to ever psycho-physical, to 'art and welfare in collaboration with cultural organizations, scholars and practitioners coming from 'Italy and from' abroad.

THE HISTORY OF "EL HOMBRE Y LA TIERRA" "When I was clear what was the center of the project, I began to doubt about what to call it. I did not want to fall into the usual platitudes of the case, nor to think that just because it was a center with spiritual significance, reflecting among other things, my innermost being, wanted to break away from what is my real form, and thus be a terrestrial with his experiences.
The day before signing the contract for my new place, I made one of those dreams, most people call it because it was shiny as real as life itself, but so real I still remember the 'essence and bring it inside me.
All night I "dreamed" that I and Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente, English-known documentary filmmaker of the '70s, we were talking face to face, sitting by and he was exactly like the 'last time' I had seen in TVE, young and with charisma that had always fascinated watching his wonderful documentaries about nature and animals. Felix said that the center would be called "El Hombre y La Tierra "as his television series, because humanity was losing its origins the most important, respect for the planet and all living beings who live in it. In his hands was called, gave it to me in mine and with a big hug and his deep eyes I pass this task.
It 'hard to be able to express with mere words the feeling that I carried inside when I woke up, but from my humble position I created this with all my heart love and hope. 'S for you Felix!
I also want to thank all the staff of the "Fundación Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente, for his unconditional support and in particular his daughter Odile Rodriguez de la Fuente. Thank you. "

"Once it was clear to take my project, I came a big question, the name of the Centre. I did not want to fall into banality, nor stop thinking that Above all, being a spiritual being, my way here and my experience is to be human "land".
few days before signing the contract of the premises, I one of the most real dreams of my life.
so real that its essence is still in my. Throughout the night Felix Rodriguez Source and I were sitting face to face talking, he was exactly like the last time I saw him in TVE, young man with great charisma.

He said that the Centre had to be called the series "Man and Earth", because humanity was losing its most important sources and Planetary Consciousness respect for the planet and everything that inhabits it. In his hands he held the name, deposit it in mine, and with a hug and look me pass this legacy.
not know how to express in words what I felt when I woke up ...

So from my humble position, and established the Centre with all my love and affection.

Felix goes for you!

I want to thank with all my heart, the whole Foundation team Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente, for his unconditional support, availability and Love, and especially his daughter Odile Rodriguez de la Fuente that continues to maintain and disseminate the great film work her father left us.
Thank you.

Guerrero Inma Moreno

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Inma Moreno Guerrero

"Da Quando ho i piedi in questa terra e ne ho il ricordo, ho sentito semper in di me, che non eravamo just a corpo, che we were not alone in this universe so immense.
My vocation was always to be a doctor to save the world and all the 'humanity.
When I became a teenager, 13 years, this has become more intense, and I embarked on a journey in a spiritual school and with the consent of my father got a passport and permission to travel to protect the world, continuing to follow that way that is most desired. Over time I lost a bit 'horizons and these goals because I wanted to be more like the others, who considered me a bit' strange and different from them. But this separation with my own self, he took me to a profound change inner and left everything, or at least only in appearance, and entered the deep dark night of 'anima.Dopo lot of time and experiences in the here and now I find myself ora.Ho could experiment with myself that each of us is unique, I learned to follow my intuition and my intuition. At last I am experiencing the 'be myself. In my deepest dreams I lived clearly the creation of downtown El Hombre y La Tierra, a name inspired by the '70s TV series of great visionary Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente, and so this time I decided to ask me to drive without resistance.

I left all other things aside and I am fully dedicated to the I AM.
My parents and my childhood had a fundamental role in my life and I could completely understand only after many years. My mother has left a legacy of tireless warrior and, incidentally, also the last name "Guerrero", while my father made me wake up to the culture of freedom and forgiveness. I now have the opportunity to put in place the pieces of the puzzle that I once destroyed, but now I want to recreate.

keep De cuando los pies en este Planeta Tierra y recuerdo, siempre inside and sentido de mi, que no sólo a Éramos cuerpo y que Estamos solos en este still less vast universe. I was
vocaciòn Querer por ser Médico I save the world and this Site.

when it became teenager and turned my 13 summers, it started to become increasingly intense and clear, so began a journey in a school Espiritual.Con the consentimineto of my father and the passport and permission to travel began protect World to continue that way he wanted.
With the passing of time lost these horizons and objectives for wanting to be like everyone else, I always felt a little strange and diverse them. this separation with my own being carried me deep inside and leave cambiamento all, or least in appearance, and among so in the dark night of the soul. After much experience and I find myself in the here and now experiencing each of us is unique .. I learned to follow my own instincts and intuitions and finally ..... I'm starting to be myself.

In my deepest dreams and seen the creation of the Center for Man and Earth, a name inspired by the series of 70 that marks a before and after in Spain, directed by the great visionary Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente and this time, and decided to be guided without any resistance. E
shelved all things before and I am dedicating the I AM.
My parents and my childhood played an important role and have understood that only great and after a long time.
My mother left me a legacy of tireless warrior which incidentally his last name "Warrior" my Father opened his eyes to the world of culture to the freedom and forgiveness.

Now I have the opportunity to put all the pieces of the puzzle that once destroyed and now I want to unite with all my heart.

We live in extraordinary times.

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Esshanai and "Mandala Makers"

"I am what are Esshanai, a simple person, like you, who in a moment of his life eight years ago, and after a long journey to find himself, he realized that he was awakened within him, in a form quite naturally, the ability to create the mandala, the mandala that speak of the creation of 'universe mandala talk about what is going to happen, send each of us who speak of, mandala that contain within themselves a great symbolism, symbols, and of course I come with a very high vibration. They were seen and felt by sensitive people, and used on many people who have taken part in their lives. My being and connects with your focus on what you need at any time. And I can assure you that you will understand how much energy 's universe is there for you to move everything around you. I love creating these designs and know that through these help people improve their quality of life because they meet themselves, because they leave the old ways and they may discover those talents and put in practice that until then slept. Above all, these drawings help people to recognize that power is inherent in everyone. "

"Yo Soy Soy Quey him, Esshanai, a person Sencilla, like you, who in a moment of my life 8 years ago, and after a long journey to find myself checked as it began to dawn on me naturally the power to create mandalas, mandalas that speak of the creation of universe, mandalas that talk about what's to come, mandalas that talk about each one carrying a large mandala symbolism, symbols that come to me naturally and have a very high vibration, tested by highly sensitive, and experienced many people who already have integrated into their lives. My Being is connected to your Self and focus on what you need at all times .... and I assure you check all the energy as the universe gets everything in motion for you. I am passionate about creating these pictures and know that this helped people to improve their quality of life, they are to themselves, to stop old habits, to discover and implement their gifts asleep ... and especially to help them recognize the power within each one of them. "
Esshanai Scrivendo a mail if i Posson richiedere Creatori Mandala da tutto il mondo. Maggiori informazioni presso il nostro center.
Per contattare Esshanai direttamente:
Email : esther.mandalas.runa @
page Web:

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Tarabusi Valeria was born in the province of Bologna in 1986 and after the studies was 110 and graduated with honors from the University of Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum becoming entitled to practice as Doctor in Dietetics. During his college years he participated in the project "hyperandrogenic states in adolescence and young in age-related endocrine-metabolic, nutritional, anthropometric, psychological and socio-demographic aspects with potential for prevention," the OU of Endocrinology, Hospital Sant ' Orsola Hospital in Bologna. He is currently a member of the ADI ordinary Onlus - Italian Association of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition. He loves to keep up to date through continuing education (Bologna Challenge on Eating Disorders, Supplements and Wellness in Modena, ..) and since 2008 working with the Division of Endocrinology at St. Orsola hospital dietetic outpatient clinic in Bologna. And 'one of the authors of the abstract "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Nutrition" for the 33 th National Congress of the Italian Society of Endocrinology. Currently out of the practice through nutrition and dietary advice customized basis of their daily habits and needs. The path that Dr. dietary created for each person is designed to teach to eat properly in order to improve the quality and duration of life without severe restrictions or deprivation.

Receives by appointment:
Contact: 333-3244115

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Alessandra Valeria Tagliaferri, Fraticelli Alessandra and Anna Eleanor Bell

We are a network of three Professional Counselors formed through a multi-year Master in Gestalt Counseling, accredited by EAC (European Association for Counseling) and the CNCP (National Coordination of Professional Counselor). We integrate professional skills and experience different, in order to offer counseling services to broad aim to promote the welfare of individuals and groups. The counseling is a practical intervention professional who works specifically in the context of salutogenesis and prevention. The counselors help build a relationship through which people learn to self-sustaining and re-discover their capacity for self-determination and can cover all areas characterized by the presence of human relationships, emotional, intimate and professional.
The counselor is posed with availability, clarity and warmth encouraging self-exploration and greater awareness of their needs. Subject to counseling can be no doubt, ambivalence, temporary or permanent difficulties that the person experiences as a source of discomfort and stress or any subject due to the existential self-knowledge and the clarification of certain aspects of their lifestyle.

e-mail:  cell. 347-8483395  cell. 333-3575811  cell. 328-6118607

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Born in Padua, 3 January 1961, he received a diploma in Naturopathy at the School of Naturopathy Riza Institute in Milan.
At the same institute, he attended several Master of specialization: Color therapy, Psychosomatics, Imagery and Relaxation, Anti-stress Massage.
For over 20 years of research is fascinated by the sense of 'well' and through a deepening personal and profound has been dedicated to the study of methods of treatment and Natural Sweets.
After a long period of study and experimentation, he formulated and then implemented with the help of established professionals in herbalism, the "vibrational remedies" Sovereign named Elixir ®.
has assembled its experiences in technical body massage in a newly developed method, the method is called Rei - Ki-Shen ® and aims to rebalance the body and the psycho-emotional sphere, through the use of integrated dynamics such as respiration, acupressure, massage techniques and bio-energy stimulation.
at his studio in Verona and at other institutions, take the advice of Naturopathy, seminars and courses to:
"Elisir Sovereigns" ® and flower essences

Crystal basic and advanced massage techniques - REI - SHEN - KI ®
Courses Reiki Courses
basic and advanced aromatologia
meditation and relaxation techniques
Heats: "laboratories" welfare


These remedies are the result of a "synthesis" and represent the union of the mineral world with the old school Spagyric.
The "Elixir Sovereigns" are prepared born from a combination of natural elements such as spring water, spirits of the mother tincture of herbs or flowers, settling of crystals exposed to particular sources colorful and bright.
born from a position of "listening" and were able to take the "body" through a deep "observation", following the cyclical rhythm of the seasons and the moon. The Elixir
Kings - if we use an analogy - can be seen as "notes" of an alchemical tool that unfolds in a staff almost imperceptible, as vibrationally balanced.
Their characteristic - such as describing the ancient Eastern traditions - is to stimulate in us and around us, the subtle energy fields balanced.
Their use can enable the buoyancy reharmonization vibrational resonance and thus orient to recontact "rhythm", the Universal Wave accompanying the flow of every principle of evolution.
The man of our time is a man who lives too often fragmented and divided, but we must never forget that the welfare and health for all of us are the result of a unitary principle, where mind, body and spirit of partnership in the balance dance of life.

Web page: http://www.rei-shen-ki. com /
To contact


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's home Pilates courses and

Joseph Pilates , the creator of the Pilates method, began developing his method in the early twentieth century. During the 'childhood was a child who suffered from asthma and physical weakness and because of its personal experience, decided to create a method as a basic principle was to strengthen the weak and diseased bodies through exercises where the mind to play a major role. He called the art of condrologia. L 'idea is to' use your mind to control and dominate the body and muscles. Later he worked as a porter in 'Isle of Man helping patients with no ability to walk. Created and installed in their beds for a system of ropes and springs for easy 'exercises. He had created a new system of rehabilitation much faster than existing ones. Later this system was converted in the famous tool "Cadillac" which was used together with other tools, and work on the ground "Mat." In 1926 he emigrated to New York where he founded the first Pilates studio.

He worked with famous dancers such as Martha Graham and Balanchine. Since then the technique is part of the daily work of a skilled athlete, dancer or actor. Pilates is a system of postural rehabilitation that is based primarily on strength training, movement of joints and flexibility. Body and mind work together.


It 's a job balanced between strength and flexibility in which the 'whole body is involved in each exercise, and avoid overloading certain muscle groups and preventing the risk of injury. The repetitions are few and are looking for quality rather than quantity.
This method is based on the following principles:
1) Repetition is essential to a proper execution of the exercises if there is no good synchrony between breathing and exercise creates a lot of tension.
A good breathing gives oxygen to the blood, increases blood flow throughout the body and revitalizes.
2) A training based on the strength and flexibility, gives agility and strength in daily life. The location of the body in each posture is essential, must be respected at all times a correct postural alignment.
3) Body and mind are united, working together throughout the program. Muscle control and body awareness of helpers in progress with greater speed.
4) The abs, the core is the center of the body, strength and 'balance overall. The abs are maintained within all omentum. The abs not only tend to be stronger and more dishes but will also help to stabilize the lumbar-pelvic area and maintain good posture. All the abdominal exercises begin.
5) Stability of the body throughout the working strength training and flexibility in a balanced way. In all the years you try to shorten rather than lengthen the muscles through stretching in the movement. In all exercises work the muscles in concentric and eccentric shape.
The effects observed following a good job with this method:
  • · Improved body posture, toning and strengthening the entire body.
  • · Improved blood circulation, concentration and body awareness
  • · Increased sports performance, stability and body muscles balanced, well-being
  • · self-confidence
  • · increases the fluidity and movement of the spine
  • · Lower back pain and injury prevention

fuid We are looking for, control and harmony in all the exercises.
For a lesson and a Pilates workout is essential to maintain a correct body position and for this you must have an adequate awareness of the body, a good body image. Feel the support points in the feet, as we put the pelvic area, if you ante version or retroversion, if the blades are flat or if they are away from the ribs. The column has a cervical lordosis, a thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. Among these three curves must be a balance. A good posture means have a good balance in muscle tension and a good biomeccanica.Lo heart muscle will have effects on our body posture, can produce pain and biomechanical problems having an effect on a part or the whole body. When we talk about being straight, we refer to maintain neutrality with all the column, keeping the curvature of lordosis of the lumbar and the cervical and thoracic kyphosis in the area. The only bone of our bone structure that are in a completely vertical position are the humerus and the first vertebrae cervicali.Quindi 's expression to put your back straight is virtually impossible and would not even be convenient to delete all the curvature of the spine as their function p cushion the movement when you are walking, skipping, or in other situations furniture.

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with Inma Moreno Guerrero

The first time you do a 'postural analysis, essential to be able to assess the proper treatment and training for the person.
They form groups of up to 3 people per lesson.
's subscription of 10 lessons.
You can cancel with 24 hours in advance
with Inma Moreno Guerrero

with Valera Tarabusi
By appointment
with Inma Moreno Guerrero
By appointment
with Alessandra Tagliaferri
Elixir sovereign
Naturopathy, Colour Therapy, Crystal Therapy Massage
stimulation techniques bioenergy
with Eleonora Beccarelli

with the whole 'team de El Hombre y La Tierra

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Cosmetics Light

Sabine Sangit is the one who channeled this important new tool called beauty " Cosmetics Light "and that so many people were already waiting for some time. In Germany there are more than 500 professionals of the 'aesthetic that works with this new technique, which is having an extraordinary receptivity in the audience. This revolutionary new era of cosmetics is spreading at a fast pace in different countries and continents.
An important factor for the success of Cosmetics Light is the scientific evidence found in " crystals of Truth" made by the renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto that has tested and confirmed the extraordinary effect they have on 'water' s humanity is facing a new product in futuristic 'developments in the cosmetics industry.
rejuvenating cream that goes along with treatments Cosmetics Light , consists of a special formula channeled by Sabine Sangit . But the fundamental thing of the cream is being energized by ' Hagia Sophia with crystals of Truth , who are the real factors that lead to cellular rejuvenation of the face. The crystals have a high frequency and have an immediate effect on the cellular structure of the people. The crystals are a universal technology and now also take an application in Cosmetics Light .
This wonderful ritual is to reprogram the cells to a new level of energy. The intention of the person receiving treatment and his permission is essential because the crystals have a real effect.
First of all you will do a session of 20 minutes, sitting in front of a panel built with green crystals. With this connection the cells are revitalized, energized and prepared for treatment rejuvenating the skin with cream. There is also a rejuvenating body lotion, which means that you get from a skin 'look younger and incredibly smooth.
After several sessions of the ritual of Cosmetics Light you begin to see the first signs of change in 'external appearance, the skin can be seen more fresh, young and full health. The body feels full of energy. During the first three sessions the body is purified, it cleans the old things, only to be reborn.
After about 10 treatments, you will see effects unimaginable. The signs of time around the eyes disappear. The opinion of the person using the Cosmetics Light is that change is impressive and the transformation is obvious: The skin becomes shiny, soft, smooth and cellular tissue becomes more compact. And 'demonstrated the light that you see in the face with a silk effect on the skin.
It 's a matter of fact the Cosmetics Light works and represent a major change to 'inside the new trends in the world of' aesthetics. All the people who already are using the time remain surprised and very happy with the results. The 'energy of crystals of the ritual of Cosmetics Light , along with the cream energized' Hagia Sophia, can prevent the rapid aging process.
Inma Moreno Guerrero he graduated in Cosmetics Light at "Escuela Kryon."

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Events & News Contact

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Basic Course "Elixir Sovereigns" Teacher: Eleonora Beccarelli

The "Elixir Kings" is a "tool" created by the combination of natural elements, water
source, decoctions of herbs or flowers, settling of crystals then exposing the mixture obtained at particular sources and colored luminose.Queste executions follow the rhythm of the seasons and phases of the moon.
A remedy "vibration" that comes from listening and interaction of man with the subtle laws of nature.
possible interactions with other products and methods, Bach flower-Rose-Orchid


The possibility of private meetings with Miguel Angel Therapy are exhausted.

"Seminario de Prosperity, Success
and Good Luck"
Sunday, March 27, 2011
10:00 to 19:00

held by Miguel Angel Darshan, Spain

MIGUEL ANGEL Darshan: He studied psychology at the 'University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200btherapist and Reiki master of the Usui Traditional , Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho y Usui Tibetan Reiki by '1997.
E 'therapist and professor of Metamorphic Technique, studying with the president and founder of the "Asociación Española Metamorphic" D ª María del Carmen in Boira' ano 2003. Noesiterapia therapist, with the professor Dr. Angel Escudero, the inventor of this method.
Therapist, professor y NoesiHealing maker, method of healing with thought from 'year 2008. Therapist and professor of fine with Archetypes, with OUNTRY "Asociación Española de Sanadores Espirituales" training done by the same founder D. Colin Bloy. Geobiology in 'iGEM Barcelona, \u200b\u200btrained by D. directamente Pere Vila. Teacher Ho'oponopono, Hawaiian method of healing.
Therapist and teacher and Therapy on Regression Therapy Past Life:
- regression therapy and hypnosis (cursi different in different centers from 1994).
- Jethro "Instituto Español de Regresa Therapy," with Cristina San Miguel, Brian Weiss method.
- TVP, the method of Dr. José Luís Cabouli.

all this training can be added to his innate ability to Guatire people and access to Akashic records and past lives right from 'childhood.
maker Vitae Lux - Luz de Vida, ;
which includes more than 500,000 people around the world interested in health, natural therapy, alternative, new consciousness AGEM , ecology, etc.. Link:

and past-life regression therapy:;;

Registri akashici:;

Anime gemelle:;

Noesiterapia e NoesiHealing:;

Metamorphic Technique:;


Reiki:; Reiki .

Vitae Lux - Luz de Vida:;

For information and registration: t. 329-1052615

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                 "    Sacred Earth  I  "
                 "  Terra Sacra    I  "

       Progamme Intensive, Saturday 2 - Sunday, April 3

Nuur Ydalga
Pionero en Danza Oriental Mística

10:30 to 13:30 Saturday, February 5
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Sacred Circle of Women.

In continuity with the Experiential Workshop entitled: "Sacred Land-initiation" in February that will wake the Earth element, from the macrocosm to the microcosm.

Choreography + Sacred evolution of the first movement of the base.
Awakening the Power of our bellies and our vital essence.

15.00 to 17.00

Sacred Circle of Women

Internalization of the Earth element in the macrocosm and microcosm of real connection with movements and dance.
Explosion of Mystical choreography.
Internalization of the power of our bellies and our vital essence.

17:30 to 19:30

Sacred Circle of Women

Developments in Connection with the sacred elements of Earth and expansion / explosion.
Choreography Mystic.
New Sacred basic movements

Introduction to the ritual dance.

21:00 to 22:00-Dance Ritual

Come dressed in white and carrying a candle.

Sunday, April 3
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10:30 to 13:30

Sacred Circle of Women

Sacred Integration of all movements.

Mystic Expression of choreography through the joy and the strength of the element of Earth.

Saturday 9 - Sunday, April 10

Basic Course "Elixir Sovereigns" Teacher: Eleonora Beccarelli

The "Elixir Kings" is a "tool" created by the combination of natural elements, water
source, decoctions of herbs or flowers, settling of crystals then exposing the mixture obtained in particular renewable luminose.Queste colorful executions follow the rhythm of seasonal phases and the moon.
A remedy "vibration" that comes from listening and interaction of man with the subtle laws of nature.
possible interactions with other products and methods, Bach flower-Rose-Orchid.

PROGRAM basic:

What causes and what are the Elixir-Sovereigns and that those stones, mother tincture, colors are used in their preparation .
what they do.
How use them.
The similarities with the Dowsing revelation.
A special feature: The Elixir Sovereign "Quartz Elestial" and its many Appice.
"The ECO RESONANCE"-listening-feeling-energy metabolism.
possible interactions with other products and methods.
Relaxation techniques and meditation.
Elixir Sovereigns and energy meridians
Elixir Sovereigns and Bach flower-Rose-Orchid
activities to the field vibrational "resonance"