Saturday, December 20, 2008

Were Women Not Allowed To Drive?

I PIU 'cordial wishes for Merry Christmas from the staff of NOCERATV.IT

Here it is! and Christmas is just after the clock will be with us gently into a new year 2009! Explain what I'm feeling right now is really very complex. My mind flies faster than a year ago, unaware of the true power of my publishing project, I was to create a space to be devoted to Internet NOCERINO in the world. I anticipate that if you expect a balance of these first three hundred sixty-five days spent together, you'll be very disappointed. I like the facts, not words, so I prefer that each of you or whoever happened to be found to enter our "living world", will face his idea. My one year remains the same: to continue to take care of "my" NOCERINO across five continents in this period of absence from television screens and deepen my knowledge about the world of NOCERINO abroad so that you can create a new television program, which can reflect the real needs of those who live NOCERA and away from agriculture than other two. To celebrate the first birthday NOCERATV.IT few hours ago I made a video which I dedicate to you all and do it with great affection and friendship and gratitude for the extraordinary support they have extended to me, certain that you will continue to participate with great entusiuasmo. E 'at the time of the decisions that you create your destiny and I have decided not to give up, NEVER! Inside of me I know I am going in the right direction and in doing so I know I'm right, I know I have always given their best and have been loyal and above all always consistent with my ideals. For this reason, grows stronger in me the perception of great things to come. 2009 will be a year of change and growth and I look forward to be able to demonstrate in concrete terms what I'm talking abstractly. While waiting with great joy I address you all on behalf of the entire staff of .. best wishes for our first year together and NOCERATV.IT for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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