Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Much Are Horse Lessons

The Eagle will fly again but fuck

Dear reader, how long ...
is more than a month since I write here, and in the meantime things will have happened. The biggest, the earthquake in L'Aquila. From Half-Blood
Abruzzo (Peligna, to be precise), the sadness has been immense, and even more anger and pride.
sadness for those poor bastards who have remained under the rubble for the dead to their families for the loss they have suffered.
Anger, because as always in Italy could have been avoided so many tragedies, because this tragedy could be avoided. Because the pain is Lipizzaner been ridden like a parade of politicians size small, medium and large in all television and all over the papers. Why so many people around this region is narrow and unfortunate as there fair forced, once again, as in Friuli, Irpinia, the Polesine. Why do so many others have had the courage to joke about almost 300 deaths, has made jokes, took the opportunity to laugh about. A rage that knows no boundaries, and that as a good Abruzzo hardly allow me to forgive, and certainly not forgotten.
Pride, to see a rugby union fuck rubble and lend a hand to save an old woman - oxygen tank included - and realize that yes, who has absorbed a certain mentality is made of a different pasta, ass mentality Italiot! The pride of seeing people demure, shy, you cried and mourned its dead on his own, and that still has the strength to tell reporters "go somewhere else." The pride of knowing that the Eagle will resume flying, my people will not surrender.

And I would say to the various journalistic morons, ecclesiastical, and government policies in general that kept their hairy begging, their polemics from jackals, their ideas of grandeur on the skin of the people, their new town from Beverly Hills : does not serve the dead, they need to live, you just need to face your shit to make you beautiful.

The mountains of L'Aquila, Sulmona, Avezzano, I have kept away for centuries. Let's hope once again their work, and leave through only those who have respect for this land, who has respect for these people, who enters on tiptoe, and lends a hand, without adding comments.


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