Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Anna Griffin Invitation Kits Sold At Michaels

come with Noceratv.it in New York in November

Hello everyone ... It was some months since I wrote ... You all know that I've been busy around Italy, to organize shows and events.
At the end of September were completed in Amalfi and Paestum in the finals of national competitions and PHOTOMODEL X A FACE GIRL OK CINEMA designed by me and my brother Dino.
Now I can devote more attention to my Nocera, the first thing I want to communicate is that we are organizing a tour for late November of Music and Italian beauty in New York, bring artists: singer-imitators-bands in America. Who wants to come with us, benefit of this Occasion to visit the City, call the number 0815170384. 3314249361, or send an e-mail info@noceratv.it

Monday, September 15, 2008

What Is Butalbital/asa&caff

Terminal 5, or anatomy of a defeat

Dear Me,
Welcome back finally on the blog. In sti days between influence, work, want to do shit, but especially the return of Mr. Little Man, we have neglected a bit 'our British news. But then again, who cares.

Today it is a very thorny issue, and strongly felt in Anglo-Saxon world, whether Albion, Yankee, Wallaby, Bokka, Kiwi and Redcoats: security.
Yes, Britons, Americans, Australians, South Africans, New Zealanders and Canadians now feel far away from the 2001 terrorist targets. The British in fact even before, special thanks to the Irish Republican Army - Provisional Branch, which in the 70, 80 and 90 has been busy on the grill to keep the citizens of His Majesty the Betty II.
Now ... beyond the fact that terrorists are made to see sti yes and no 3 or 4 times and on every occasion has never had the mathematical certainty that they themselves were the perpetrators of the attacks (see: WTC, anthrax letters, U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania), it must be said that Sometimes it would be appropriate to ask why do the bad guys, but this is a long and thorny discourse which for the moment leave aside.
What shocked me, dear me, how is, in essence, these terrorists - who do not even know who they are or whether there are really - they won!
Napoleon and many other strategies are in tears! They do not even know who they are, do not even know if there are, but they won. And great, too.
Now let me explain: London is a huge city, as large as the province of Milan (and maybe more), has millions of inhabitants of different origins and social classes, rich and poor is, has enormous resources, and above all, a fucking fear. What is not known, but is afraid. Demonstration
are ads on the subway (Please make sure to take all your belongings with you, or Every baggage left behind will be Examined by the Police). This is demonstrated by the lack of rubbish bins in the city, and the total absence of Terminal 5 at Heathrow.
course. A jewel of modernity, 1 km of gates, rather than the stuff that seems to be check-in at the cash dell'Ipercoop, and not even a shred of trash. But not only. What commands respect is the most thorough preparation of staff at check-in. Example:

- Good morning Sir. Can I see your ticket?
- Good morning, yes, of course.
- Did you put anything in your suitcase?
(true answer) - Just my belongings
(answer that I wanted so much to give) - No, it's empty, I take it with me Because it's sooo cool to have one.
- Did someone give you something to carry on the plane?
(true answer) - No, no one did.
(answer that I wanted so much to give) - Yes, a man with a long beard and a strange hat Gave me a bunch of strange red candles with a clock on it, can you hear this "tick-tock"?

[A-Hi Lord, could show his ticket?
B-Good morning. Sure, here it is. A-Ha
put something in his suitcase? Personal effects

B-B-No, it is empty, the door behind me because it taaanto scic
A-Someone gave her something to carry on the plane?
B-No, nothing
B-Yes, a man with a beard and a strange hat gave me a bunch of candles, a little 'strange with an alarm on, he feels this tic-tac?]
... If a police officer he'd asked the same questions, time 2 seconds throughout Italy would have laughed at the new joke about policemen. The British, however, take it terribly seriously. Idiots.
Even so, after this interview worthy of "Dumb Dumb & More", you pass the security check. And there things get serious: via backpacks, purses, wallets, belts, jackets and even shoes. Thank goodness I had already shit in the morning, otherwise ...
metal detector, another metal detector, Palpatine, and then "You can go Sir, thank you."

shame that the lighter is passed unhindered, and 20 meters (about 30 steps) from the security checkpoint, there is a luxury store Harrods - Food Hall selling ... Chartreuse. Seventy degrees of softness, in practice, gasoline. And at least 6 perfume that give a hand. But

porcaputtana ... but then I have taken the piss for a week. Now, excuse me, but reminiscent of an old Soviet foreign minister, I prepare a nice cocktail: Chartreuse, piece of cloth, lighter. And we see those who feel more secure.
Good digestion!