Friday, July 31, 2009

Hair Stylist Thank You Letter

Drop splendor

Recently I found myself listening to "Anime Salve". And 'the last album of unreleased Fabrizio de Andre (1996).
seems the departure of De Andrè in the world, as a harbinger of the end. But not a final farewell, happy, a goodbye. His family, his wife and children, many old and new friends accompany him on this musical procession to the point where he must go alone. "Oversized prayer" is the perfect conclusion of a musical and poetic journey incredible. It 'a prayer for us all, as huge as is the enormous size of humanity.
Because we all have our "Drop of Splendor."

* Isissibus

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Right Vacuum For Frieze


was certainly not relaxing.
I did not have to stand in my way of thinking about something.
But certainly it was something incredible and conclusive.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How Much Do Drivers License Cost In Chicago

Please winter

As usual, in mid-summer comes a need to bully other climates.
A strange contrast, which arises in me: the need to summer heat, the fields full of green and turns with the dog to steal more, and a need for cold, rain and ice days, and heavy coats and long dresses. This
.. casino can also be an expression of my mood ... Chaos. Strange. different from anything ever experienced. Of course, there is an explanation simple, and I do not deny me for sure. My mother would call "Paturnie adolescent", and would be right. I thought only of already being out. Apparently it's still a long way to go.
Vabbuò, time will tell. And with time you will also know what I do.

Sometimes you do crazy things. It 's a need, with a push that comes directly from the solar plexus and that drags you forward, and you find yourself, perhaps, five hundred miles from home, waiting by a fountain placed in waiting for a big step that could destroy or change you life.
There are many things that move and do not find relief in these infinite spaces filled with boundaries and limits, it is impossible cross in one go.
sometimes comes that old dream: a pair of wings, a different life, a miracle, another me.
I entrust again to the pen, apparently. And wait, waiting for something that who knows when he comes, if it is.