Friday, January 21, 2011

Degen Erative Disc Disease 5th,6th And 7th

Idle Thoughts of an Idle (magari. ..)

Today I finally heard the perfect synthesis of the future might be like mine, and so many other young people - or at least, not too old - Italian: "If he wins the elections, migration, and returned only to vote. And he votes because they deserve it, then I go back and abroad. " How true in this country of whores and whoremongers, servants and slaves, brains and vacuum storage.

I did not understand if the world has gone mad, or if it is I who am a poor fool. Poor for sure, mad I have not yet certain, but do not despair.

I seem to live in a time and in a world which has completely lost the light of reason, the sense of reality and life. The examples are so many that wikipedia is not sufficient even to begin.
magnates who - already filthy rich - continue to earn billions each year, perhaps as a reward because they have been able to derail a bank or a multinational. Potentates who cling to the chair like a monkey clings to a branch for not crashing to the ground. Poor fools with patched ass who think they can emulate those magnates, or those powerful, because they have only given them the vote, or because "they are big."
Not to mention more of those poor idiot, idiot and poor, which have completely ceased to think about their future, that of their children and their grandchildren. Sure, why devon pay installments of 99-inch LCD TV, the suv, the Holidays in Sharm ...
O for those who support nuclear power, because "now is clean, and while running with the big car which is 2 km with one liter. And maybe their elected officials, allowing 10 nuclear power plants, and together we are building the LNG terminals. But cut funds to renewable energy, and if they catafottono energy savings.
Not to mention those who ruin the lives of himself and others in the name of it is not clear which entity is abstract, sort, and creative (?) Of the world. And Sticazzi.

Question: How long can a person's life? 80 years? 90?

So stracazzo what it can do one of billions and billions of dollars / euro / sterling? If you take them in the grave, the worms go out shopping?? When
maybe a poor fool who works 9 hours a day he earns a few hundred a month?

And what matters most in life? An LCD screen, or knowing that he left them a world a little 'less unjust and nasty to their children?

Power ... mah ... maybe I will never understand. Maybe you do not even want to understand. I'll be a poor fool, it can be. But I'm still one of the few idiots who defy the neck and walk tall. That when you look in the mirror in the morning did not want to spit in the face. And in my small way, in my daily life, try to treat everyone as individuals, with the same dignity and the same I respect that I want to be granted.

You May Say I'm a dreamer ... but (I hope) I'm not the only one

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dvb Best Sateliten Reciver

The song of a generation

Stunned and unable properties,
with astonished eyes and pale,
stuck, tired, defeated.
We can no longer love,
we are no longer capable.
no longer able to love,
divided as far away as relics from the sea.
And tossed by this fury of inertia
from the most diverse
politics, money, success, love, faith, family
charity and virtue, we find ourselves unable
already destroyed. You do not need
not enough reviews and incitement, we do not want
assessments and failures. This
we have been taught, without awareness.
is this, that we have left. And in
sheet of your tears
I see you and I, like many other
blithely unaware of being despair.
We will be strong, maybe we will go forward.
But how afraid, how much failure.
In love and in all

here we are the losers and the inept.